ATOA Solutions


Engineering Services, Computer Aided Engineering, Engineering Apps, 3D Printing

For cost effective Innovation, Design on the GO, Next-Gen Products

Engineering services

CAE Services

Simulation is a third pillar of science and Technology. Engineering Simulation is used effectively for faster, cost effective product development

ATOA Scientific Technologies provides Engineering Services with speciality Multiphysics Computer Aided Engineering (CAE).

We offer simulation services across Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Flow, Thermal, Acoustical and Optical Engineering. ATOA specializes in helping clients to accelerate product development and reduce costs through multiphysics optimization.

We collaborate with our clients to mimic the real world into a virtual world. The concurrent design simulation technology is packaged into material, product, process and system level industry specific solutions.

ATOA's Research and Innovation focus is on application technology, translation of scientific discoveries into innovative solution for our clients. Materials Technology, Multiphysics Simulations, Multiscale Modeling, Biomimetics and, Design for Sustainability are few of our R&I focus areas.

For all your Engineering Design

Engineering apps

Engg Calculators

Tools differentiated us from the prime mates. Currently each one of you is carrying an 80's supercomputer on your hand. Our Goal is to put this supercomputer on the move that is your smart phone for productive use, with engineering apps, for Design on the GO.

ATOA Software Technologies, Apps portal is a single door entry for all your engineering Apps to do engineering design on the go on your mobile phone. From millions of android and iOS apps, we have selected top engineering apps just for you.

You can find engineering apps of Structural, civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Fluid Flow, Thermal, Acoustical and Electromagnetic, Optical Engineering. Plus Material, Renewable Energy, 3D printing, Nano, Bio, Info and Cognitive apps.

apps.atoa portal filters engineering apps from millions of android and iOS apps, and this enable us to identify unmet needs for Engineering apps. You can download high end android and iOS engineering apps for engineering design calculations.

Online CAE and Engineering calculators are s also offer as part ot Engineering apps or tools solution.

For all your Engineering Apps

3D printing

Additive Manufacturing

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a revolutionary product manufacturing technology. Any innovator can 3D print their dream product ideas into reality. Engineers can print functional 3D products, right at their desktop to develop, faster and innovative products.

ATOA Smart Technologies 3D printing, 3D scanning is a one Stop Professional 3D Print Solution.

You can, Hire CAD CAE CAM Engineer at ATOA to design, engineer and make your custom 3D products. Buy readymade 3D printable CAD models and 3D Printed products. You can also, Open a shop to trade your 3D products and services. You can create 3D models of your existing products with our 3D scan.

Do CAD CAE CAM of 3D Printing at ATOA. Download free and paid redymade 3D printable CAD models. Visit us for latest on 3D Industry News, 3D Technology Future, 3D Printer Hardware, 3D Material technology, 3D CAD Tools, and 3D CAE Methods.

3D Selfie is our new offering to scan and print your alter ego as statue. You can schedule a 3D scan to get started at our 3D print studio for your selfie or 3D scanning.

For all your 3D printing needs

Engineering innovation

Open, Patented Innovation

ATOA’s Engineering Innovation Solution for promoting innovation and selling innovative ideas for overall economic growth and making life better, enabled through Multiphysics CAE and 3D printing. You can freely use open innovation ideas. Also buy or license proprietary ideas.

Engineering is all about innovation, finding new ways to solve world's problem by creating breakthrough ideas and solving practical problems by means of developing innovative product or processes to help people. Engineering Innovations changed the way we live and experience the world. This portal is about ATOA’s ideas for Engineering innovation to promote open and proprietary innovation.

Proprietary patented Innovation, includes, Human Necessities, Performing Operations, Trans porting Chemistry, Metallurgy, Textiles, Paper, Fixed Cons tructions, Mechanical Engin eering, Lighting, Heating, Physics and electricity. Open Innovations includes, Consumer Products, Infrastructure, Life Science, Renewable Energy, Transportation, Empowerment, Emerging tech. Open innovation are free.

For all your Innovation needs