Engineering Innovation

ATOA Engineering Innovations

Free Open and Proprietary Innovation Solutions 

Ideas for better world

Engineering Innovation

ATOA Engineering Innovation Solution for promoting innovation and selling innovative ideas for overall economic growth and making life better, enabled through Multiphysics CAE and 3D printing. You can freely use open innovation ideas. Also buy or license proprietary ideas. Engineering is all about innovation, finding new ways to solve world's problem by creating breakthrough ideas and solving practical problems by means of developing innovative product or processes to help people. Engineering Innovations changed the way we live and experience the world. This portal is about ATOA ideas for Engineering innovation to promote open and proprietary innovation

Open Innovation

Under open innovation category, Engineering ideas for enabling distributed and user participation based big ideas for wider use and application. These are  targeted for individual and small, medium industries.  These are concepts developed by ATOA for anybody’s free use.

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Proprietary Innovation

Under open proprietary category, Proprietary innovation are ideas available for licensing or purchasing which are protected by patent, trade secret and or copyrights laws and are targeted for corporates. These patented concepts developed by ATOA for anybody’s Paid use.

Technologies available for Licensing:

1.Direct Solar Storage Light.

2. Direct Solar Long Distance Lighting Technology

3.Multiphysics Engineered Grid for Superior Lead Acid Battery. 


5. MEMS Capacitive devices


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